Royal Guardian Party Platform
Iran boasts a rich history spanning approximately 3000 years, marked by resilience and evolution through numerous conflicts. Iranians hold the Monarchy Kingdom System as the nation’s greatest strength. Under the guidance of His Imperial Majesty King Reza II, the Royal Guardian Party (RGP) is committed to the following principles:
- Iran’s Territorial Integrity
- Secular Democracy
- Human Rights
- Freedom of Speech and Religion
Current Challenges
Iran faces significant challenges, including:
- A struggling public health system
- The worst economic downturn since the Islamic Sedition in 1979
- Mismanagement of natural resources by the Islamic regime
- Religious injustice perpetrated by the Islamic regime
Our Commitments
The Royal Guardian Party is dedicated to:
- Eliminating the corrupting influence of money in society and government
- Protecting the integrity of businesses and citizens
- Repairing the damages caused by the Islamic regime
- Uniting the nation for a stronger, brighter, and more equitable future
- Providing comprehensive health care for all Iranian citizens
- Restoring the power of workers’ unions and advocating for better living standards
- Ensuring high-quality public services for all citizens
- Promoting world-class education and free education up to a Bachelor’s degree
- Maintaining Farsi as Iran’s official national language
- Advocating for a peaceful foreign policy from a position of strength
Building a Stronger Economy
The Pahlavi Dynasty left Iran with the strongest economy in its history, which was subsequently ruined by the Islamic Republic. The RGP aims to:
- Secure equal pay for women and raise wages
- Control healthy inflation and restore workers’ rights
- Provide paid family leave and sick days
- Modernize infrastructure, including highways, roads, bridges, airports, and public transportation
- Ensure access to clean drinking water and safe wastewater systems
- Promote sustainable and regenerative agricultural practices
- Support small businesses and family farms
- Invest in career and technical education and job training programs
The RGP believes housing should be:
- Stable, accessible, safe, healthy, energy-efficient, and affordable
- No one should spend more than 30% of their income on housing
- Government funding should assist first-time homeowners
Leveling the Economic Playing Field
The RGP will:
- Advocate for a fair tax code
- Commit to ending poverty
- Protect consumer rights and privacy
- Tackle runaway corporate concentration
Guaranteeing a Secure and Dignified Retirement
The RGP will:
- Advocate for social security and retirement plans
- Reject efforts to cut, privatize, or weaken social security
Achieving Universal Quality Health Care
The RGP will:
- Advocate for universal health care
- Bring down drug prices
- Reduce health care costs
- Protect reproductive health, rights, and justice
- Promote maternal health
- Protect LGBTQ+ health
- Strengthen and support the health care workforce
Healing the Soul of Iran
The RGP is committed to:
- Protecting Iranian civil rights
- Achieving social justice and equity
- Protecting women’s rights
- Protecting LGBTQ+ rights
- Protecting disability rights
- Supporting the arts and culture
Combating the Climate Crisis
The RGP will:
- Invest in clean energy and sustainable agriculture
- Modernize the electric grid
- Reduce methane pollution
- Lower energy costs for families
- Protect children’s health
- Build clean energy infrastructure
- Support zero-waste and circular economies
Restoring Our Democracy
The RGP will:
- Protect and enforce voting rights
- Build an effective, transparent government
- Advocate for structural court reforms
Immigration System
The RGP believes in:
- Protecting asylum seekers
- Providing a path to citizenship for long-term residents
- Ensuring humane treatment of vulnerable individuals
Providing an Excellent Education
The RGP will:
- Guarantee early childhood education
- Support high-quality education
- Make higher education affordable and accessible
Constitutional Pahlavi’s Monarchy
The RGP will:
- Revitalize Iran’s diplomacy
- Transform Iran’s armed forces
- Advocate for responsible defense spending
- Address climate change in foreign policy
- Promote technological innovation
- Prevent the spread of nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons
- Maintain a vigilant focus on counterterrorism
- Defend human rights globally
Advancing Iran’s Interests
The RGP will:
- Fight for Iran’s workers in the global economy
- Promote fair trade and anti-corruption measures
- Strengthen relations with the Middle East and Europe
The Royal Guardian Party is dedicated to creating a stronger, more equitable, and prosperous future for Iran, guided by the principles of territorial integrity, secular democracy, human rights, and freedom of speech and religion.