Kingdom Guardian Party Pahlavi advocates

Guarding Our Justice System

The Royal Guardian Party (RGP) is committed to ensuring justice and fairness within Iran’s justice system. They support allowing judges to determine appropriate sentences based on the facts of each case and advocate for abolishing the death penalty. The RGP aims to introduce judges who are committed to justice and treating each case on its merits, including those with experience as public defenders, legal aid attorneys, and civil rights lawyers.

The party believes in forgiveness and redemption, supporting the automatic expungement of certain criminal records for





those fully acquitted, wrongfully convicted, or pardoned. They also emphasize the importance of helping individuals re-enter society after serving their time, providing access to transitional housing, mental health and substance use treatment, and stopping reincarceration for technical violations of probation or parole.

Additionally, the RGP is dedicated to ending discrimination based on race, ethnicity, religion, language, gender, age, sexual orientation, or disability status, and will suggest court justices who uphold individual civil rights and civil liberties.